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Antiquity in Bloom

Life has been teeming with activity - yielding gobs of material for a blog, yet leaving little time to share it with all of you! That incongruous reality could be overcome by better time-management, but nobody wants to read about that today!

To placate the urge to post something (anything!) as we wait for this year's case of the "spring busies" to mellow out, I thought I'd drop a little poem here. I'd like it to serve as a footbridge from from the doldrums of winter to the liveliness of late spring at Providence Cottage. And it absolutely must be mentioned that I was inspired to write this poem whilst doing the mundane

chore of c l e a n i n g the hearth.

Topping it off is this fantastic photograph of what I have the privilege of looking at every day, thanks to the amazing brick-laying and general awesomeness of my dear husband. (More on that on our old blog here.)

Antiquity in Bloom

by Erica L. Schmiesing

Pretty vintage kettle from the 1940's,

You kept my home humidified

on cold and snowy mornings.

Now, winter's long forgot.

Retire you? I'll not!

Why put upon a shelf what can become a flower pot?

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